
April 18, 2011

Been torn the last few days trying to decide between financial security and professional fulfillment.  It’s a crime that these to principles should ever be separated.  While I know that professional fulfillment breeds financial security, and that in time there is no substitute, what does one do when immediate financial security eliminates as many daily pain points as the job that pays for it creates?  Looking for answers I stumbled on this from the November 2010 Economist .  Not what I expected to see.  What say ye?

Daily chart

Money and happiness

Nov 25th 2010, 14:45 by The Economist online

Measured a different way, the correlation between money and happiness is surprisingly strong

DISMAL scientists who look at happiness often contend that, beyond a GDP per capita of just $15,000 (measured at purchasing-power parity), money does not buy happiness. Up to that point the correlation between the two is strong, but thereafter it falls away. If this is true then some heretical conclusions follow: rich America is no happier than poorer Brazil, so what is the point in people who live in rich countries working harder to get ever richer? Politicians should concentrate on maximising the mental health of their voters, rather than the size of their pay cheques. But plot the data another way, on a logarithmic scale where each increment represents a 100% increase in income per head, and the relationship between wealth and happiness looks more robust.

Had to repost this: Talking Twin Babies

April 12, 2011

If this does not make you smile and/or laugh then you are not human

Recent Sovereign Credit Risk Comparison

April 5, 2011

Amazing how the world can turn on a dime, credit wise.  Interesting look at the 5-year CDS sorted from the least risky to the most risky countries in the wake of the European Debt Crisis, Middle East Revolutions, and the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown in Japan.

The US has regained the lead relative to Germany and Japan which it has not held since before the financial crisis.  However, the Nordic countries have become the worlds safe haven.  Amazing, though, that despite the size of the US deficit that the cost to insure against default on Treasuries is as low today than at any time in the last 2.5 years.

Funny how the cost of protection for Iceland whose economic collapse painted the news cycle just over 2 years ago is actually now lower than the PIGS, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

Enjoy the data!

Bloomberg Screen SOVR (Part 1 4.5.11)

Bloomberg Screen SOVR (Part 2 4.5.11)

Bloomberg Screen SOVR (Part 3 4.5.11)