Finger Pointing Redux

In honor of Alan Greenspan’s massive finger point in today’s Wall Street Journal, I am posting an ode to finger pointing below of images from across the web.  In my first glimpse of what I realized would be a long a protracted period of finger pointing I wrote this entry aptly called Finger Pointing.

You can read the full gut turning article written by the big index finger himself titled The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble, by Alan Greenspan in today’s Wall Street Journal.  In essence Mr. Greenspan seeks to defend his reputation from the growing backlash that his loose monetary and laissez-faire policies failed, leading us at least in part into our current mess. 

I refuse to give Alan any reprint space here, suffice to say my initial reaction is that he indirectly revokes his half-assed apology from October last year which I noted in Greenspan: About as Close to an Apology as We’ll Probably Get.

His current self-defense relies on the same sordid misdirection common to the G.O.P. whereby he obfuscates his argument behind a valid, alternative problem that his is willing to take a stand on, namely the requirement of the need for new financial industry regulation.  It’s kind of like a pedophile sucking you into believing that abuse begets abuse and therefore what he did was only a symptom of a larger problem.

To counter the nausea from reading his puffy PR piece, likely paid for or placed by a G.O.P. media agency, I have embedded some fun images below. (Sorry, breaking with tradition, I am not footnoting the source of each of these, suffice to say you can do a Google image search for “finger pointing” and find most of them quickly if you’d like.)

That said, this one last finger is for Alan thinking we’d be dumb enough not see through his b/s. This finger is from the generation he really screwed.

The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble

Alan Greenspan, Wall Street Journal, March 11, 2009

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